kedd, december 13, 2005
..: a.true.story :..
don't tell me that things will become better
because I know that everyday will be the same
so stay away / leave me alone
so stay away / leave me alone
so keep away / don't come near me
love is blind, it taints your eyes
love is blind, it taints your eyes
such a beautiful sight not to see your face
but to hear your voice, it's torture had by choice
[so don't catch me if i fall to your feet again]
i breathe out as the cold wind catches my breathe
i breathe out as the cold wind catches my breathe
and i watch it flow away hoping that a part of me will touch you
because i know you'll feel the difference in the air
and you'll think about me
that's all i want from you
i know we talked about it but the pain just won't go away
i know we talked about it but the pain just won't go away
lend me your hand, help me / help me through this
keep your hand in your pockets and your thoughts in your mind
keep your hand in your pockets and your thoughts in your mind
keep up the fight / wish today away / until the night comes
hétfő, december 12, 2005
olyan vagyok mint a fekvő kő.
az út közepén fekszem
és mindenkinek útjában vagyok.
/ almost agree.
szombat, december 10, 2005
rebellis anarchista hithű ateista hitbuzgó deista hitetlen trappista tériszonyatos alpinista rettegő nihilista könyörületes szadista gátlásos mazohista szentimentális realista kezdő finalista érdektelen aktualista józan alkoholista graffitkedvelő akvarellista gyökértelen fundamentalista birodalmi antiimperialista pénzgyűlölő materialista idegenszerető rasszista antik avantgardista
hétfő, december 05, 2005
fear of sleep
szombat, december 03, 2005
égő ágak közt táncol a ború.
péntek, december 02, 2005
nem az én otthonom
már nem ide tartozom.
oda vágyódom,
hol nincs otthonom.